About Us

What BURA staff say about the work we do:

We work to be a catalyst for positive change.

We work to foster positive growth in neighborhoods.

We work on proactive neighborhood planning.

The Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency (BURA) is a public benefit corporation that was formed by an act of the New York State Legislature in 1966. 

Its purpose is to prevent or eliminate blight and deterioration, and to develop economically viable communities by implementing innovative strategies that strengthen neighborhoods, support small businesses and enhance local capacity. 

BURA also administers the City of Buffalo’s Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership program. 

BURA is governed by a nine-member board of directors. The board includes seven standing members: the Mayor of the City of Buffalo, who serves as chair; the Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning, who serves as Vice Chair;  and the Commissioner of Administration and Finance, Corporation Counsel, Common Council President, Chairman of the Common Council Community Development Committee and Common Council Minority Leader. The board develops and directs policy and works closely with the Agency's executive team to oversee its implementation. 

Objectives of BURA include:

• Improving the appearance of the City's neighborhoods

• Increasing and facilitating opportunities for business investment

• Address the needs of seniors, youth, homeless and the poor

• To coordinate and obtain funding from multiple sources

• support the City of Buffalo in management of federal programs

Annual Reports




Mission Statement


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